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How to cancel your Grain subscription
How to cancel your Grain subscription

Learn how to cancel your subscription

Updated over a month ago

If you need to cancel your Grain subscription, the process is straightforward. You can manage your plan directly from the Billing tab within your account settings.

Steps to Cancel Your Grain Plan:

  1. Go to the Billing Tab: Log in to your Grain account and head to the Billing tab in your workspace settings. You can typically find this option in the drop-down menu under your account or workspace name.

  2. Select Cancel Plan: In the Billing section, you’ll see the details of your current subscription including the next renewal date. Look for the text in green that says 'Cancel Plan.'

  3. Follow the Cancellation Steps: Click on the 'Cancel Plan' text, and Grain will guide you through the necessary steps to cancel your subscription.

  4. Receive Confirmation: After you've completed the steps and confirmed the cancellation, you should receive a confirmation message on-screen that your plan has been canceled.

Canceling your Grain plan can be done quickly with just a few clicks. If you have any questions or encounter any issues during the cancellation process, the Grain support team is available to assist you via the 'Chat with Support' option in your Billing tab.

Note: We will lock recordings once you move off of a paid seat, but unlock them if you ever choose to resubscribe.

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